Running 119 test cases... Running tests using path: /data/tests Active client configurations: 't8ntool ' Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCallCodes": 24%... 48%... 72%... 96%... 100% Tests finished: 79 stCallCodes time: 27.241867 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCallCreateCallCodeTest": 23%... 46%... 69%... 92%... 100% Tests finished: 39 stCallCreateCallCodeTest time: 13.339387 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stExample": 100% Tests finished: 1 stExample time: 0.430339 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stInitCodeTest": 23%... 47%... 70%... 94%... 100% Tests finished: 17 stInitCodeTest time: 10.037407 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stLogTests": 23%... 47%... 71%... 95%... 100% Tests finished: 46 stLogTests time: 26.316099 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stMemoryTest": 23%... 47%... 71%... 95%... 100% Tests finished: 67 stMemoryTest time: 38.491574 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stPreCompiledContracts": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 96 stPreCompiledContracts time: 85.252734 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stPreCompiledContracts2": 24%... 49%... 74%... 98%... 100% Tests finished: 97 stPreCompiledContracts2 time: 57.010860 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stRandom": 24%... 49%... 74%... 99%... 100% Tests finished: 313 stRandom time: 133.656443 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stRandom2": 24%... 49%... 74%... 99%... 100% Tests finished: 222 stRandom2 time: 91.798957 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stRecursiveCreate": 50%... 100% Tests finished: 2 stRecursiveCreate time: 0.998886 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stRefundTest": 21%... 42%... 63%... 84%... 100% Tests finished: 19 stRefundTest time: 13.854013 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stSolidityTest": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 16 stSolidityTest time: 3.567599 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stSpecialTest": 23%... 46%... 69%... 92%... 100% Tests finished: 13 stSpecialTest time: 5.293636 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stSystemOperationsTest": 24%... 48%... 72%... 96%... 100% Tests finished: 66 stSystemOperationsTest time: 43.489538 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stTransactionTest": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 28 stTransactionTest time: 54.776762 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stTransitionTest": 16%... 33%... 50%... 66%... 83%... 100% Tests finished: 6 stTransitionTest time: 3.381812 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stWalletTest": 23%... 47%... 71%... 95%... 100% Tests finished: 42 stWalletTest time: 15.886046 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCallDelegateCodesCallCodeHomestead": 24%... 48%... 72%... 96%... 100% Tests finished: 58 stCallDelegateCodesCallCodeHomestead time: 23.118215 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCallDelegateCodesHomestead": 24%... 48%... 72%... 96%... 100% Tests finished: 58 stCallDelegateCodesHomestead time: 23.748933 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stHomesteadSpecific": 20%... 40%... 60%... 80%... 100% Tests finished: 5 stHomesteadSpecific time: 1.734546 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stDelegatecallTestHomestead": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 28 stDelegatecallTestHomestead time: 11.645512 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stChangedEIP150": 23%... 46%... 70%... 93%... 100% Tests finished: 30 stChangedEIP150 time: 14.663752 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stEIP150singleCodeGasPrices": 23%... 46%... 70%... 93%... 100% Tests finished: 30 stEIP150singleCodeGasPrices time: 14.260134 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stMemExpandingEIP150Calls": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 8 stMemExpandingEIP150Calls time: 4.630170 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stEIP150Specific": 23%... 46%... 69%... 92%... 100% Tests finished: 13 stEIP150Specific time: 5.004972 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stEIP158Specific": 14%... 28%... 42%... 57%... 71%... 85%... 100% Tests finished: 7 stEIP158Specific time: 2.674029 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stNonZeroCallsTest": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 24 stNonZeroCallsTest time: 15.420039 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stZeroCallsTest": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 24 stZeroCallsTest time: 15.013087 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stZeroCallsRevert": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 16 stZeroCallsRevert time: 4.294242 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCodeSizeLimit": 33%... 66%... 100% Tests finished: 3 stCodeSizeLimit time: 1.490514 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCreateTest": 23%... 46%... 70%... 93%... 100% Tests finished: 30 stCreateTest time: 24.908598 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stRevertTest": 24%... 48%... 73%... 97%... 100% Tests finished: 45 stRevertTest time: 69.832815 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stStackTests": 14%... 28%... 42%... 57%... 71%... 85%... 100% Tests finished: 7 stStackTests time: 30.113773 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stStaticCall": 24%... 49%... 74%... 98%... 100% Tests finished: 283 stStaticCall time: 124.212830 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stReturnDataTest": 23%... 47%... 71%... 94%... 100% Tests finished: 38 stReturnDataTest time: 25.503553 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stZeroKnowledge": 24%... 49%... 74%... 99%... 100% Tests finished: 133 stZeroKnowledge time: 161.072775 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stZeroKnowledge2": 24%... 49%... 73%... 98%... 100% Tests finished: 130 stZeroKnowledge2 time: 100.056017 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCodeCopyTest": 50%... 100% Tests finished: 2 stCodeCopyTest time: 0.753731 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stBugs": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 4 stBugs time: 2.288310 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stShift": 24%... 48%... 73%... 97%... 100% Tests finished: 41 stShift time: 25.911016 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCreate2": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 44 stCreate2 time: 18.412444 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stExtCodeHash": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 28 stExtCodeHash time: 9.321115 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stSStoreTest": 23%... 46%... 69%... 92%... 100% Tests finished: 26 stSStoreTest time: 47.544558 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stAttackTest": 50%... 100% Tests finished: 2 stAttackTest time: 4.139361 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stMemoryStressTest": 23%... 47%... 71%... 94%... 100% Tests finished: 38 stMemoryStressTest time: 20.218732 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stQuadraticComplexityTest": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 16 stQuadraticComplexityTest time: 23.372704 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stBadOpcode": 100% Tests finished: 1 stBadOpcode time: 21.873791 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stArgsZeroOneBalance": 23%... 47%... 71%... 95%... 100% Tests finished: 46 stArgsZeroOneBalance time: 20.814615 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stTimeConsuming": 14%... 28%... 42%... 57%... 71%... 85%... 100% Tests finished: 7 stTimeConsuming time: 541.976067 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCallCodes": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 80 stCallCodes time: 32.696021 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCallCreateCallCodeTest": 23%... 46%... 69%... 93%... 100% Tests finished: 43 stCallCreateCallCodeTest time: 15.676146 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stExample": 100% Tests finished: 1 stExample time: 0.515934 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stInitCodeTest": 21%... 43%... 65%... 86%... 100% Tests finished: 23 stInitCodeTest time: 12.560997 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stLogTests": 23%... 47%... 71%... 95%... 100% Tests finished: 46 stLogTests time: 31.772982 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stMemoryTest": 23%... 47%... 71%... 95%... 100% Tests finished: 67 stMemoryTest time: 46.614094 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stPreCompiledContracts": 24%... 49%... 74%... 99%... 100% Tests finished: 519 stPreCompiledContracts time: 188.904837 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stPreCompiledContracts2": 24%... 48%... 73%... 97%... 100% Tests finished: 115 stPreCompiledContracts2 time: 70.686261 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stRandom": 24%... 49%... 74%... 99%... 100% Tests finished: 313 stRandom time: 142.973482 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stRandom2": 24%... 49%... 73%... 98%... 100% Tests finished: 223 stRandom2 time: 105.429259 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stRecursiveCreate": 50%... 100% Tests finished: 2 stRecursiveCreate time: 1.117311 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stRefundTest": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 24 stRefundTest time: 13.996945 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stSolidityTest": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 16 stSolidityTest time: 3.944033 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stSpecialTest": 23%... 46%... 69%... 92%... 100% Tests finished: 13 stSpecialTest time: 6.052775 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stSystemOperationsTest": 23%... 47%... 71%... 95%... 100% Tests finished: 67 stSystemOperationsTest time: 48.080837 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stTransactionTest": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 156 stTransactionTest time: 102.245425 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stTransitionTest": 16%... 33%... 50%... 66%... 83%... 100% Tests finished: 6 stTransitionTest time: 3.989782 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stWalletTest": 24%... 48%... 73%... 97%... 100% Tests finished: 45 stWalletTest time: 18.023375 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCallDelegateCodesCallCodeHomestead": 24%... 48%... 72%... 96%... 100% Tests finished: 58 stCallDelegateCodesCallCodeHomestead time: 26.899489 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCallDelegateCodesHomestead": 24%... 48%... 72%... 96%... 100% Tests finished: 58 stCallDelegateCodesHomestead time: 26.815720 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stHomesteadSpecific": 20%... 40%... 60%... 80%... 100% Tests finished: 5 stHomesteadSpecific time: 2.026633 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stDelegatecallTestHomestead": 24%... 48%... 72%... 96%... 100% Tests finished: 29 stDelegatecallTestHomestead time: 12.636253 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stChangedEIP150": 22%... 45%... 67%... 90%... 100% Tests finished: 31 stChangedEIP150 time: 17.316065 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stEIP150singleCodeGasPrices": 23%... 46%... 70%... 93%... 100% Tests finished: 30 stEIP150singleCodeGasPrices time: 15.907006 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stMemExpandingEIP150Calls": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 8 stMemExpandingEIP150Calls time: 5.356697 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stEIP150Specific": 23%... 46%... 69%... 92%... 100% Tests finished: 13 stEIP150Specific time: 5.803048 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stEIP158Specific": 14%... 28%... 42%... 57%... 71%... 85%... 100% Tests finished: 7 stEIP158Specific time: 3.042683 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stNonZeroCallsTest": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 24 stNonZeroCallsTest time: 17.116491 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stZeroCallsTest": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 24 stZeroCallsTest time: 17.541852 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stZeroCallsRevert": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 16 stZeroCallsRevert time: 4.844721 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCodeSizeLimit": 33%... 66%... 100% Tests finished: 3 stCodeSizeLimit time: 1.933855 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCreateTest": 24%... 49%... 73%... 98%... 100% Tests finished: 57 stCreateTest time: 32.435605 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stRevertTest": 24%... 49%... 73%... 98%... 100% Tests finished: 211 stRevertTest time: 107.529270 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stStackTests": 24%... 49%... 73%... 98%... 100% Tests finished: 207 stStackTests time: 70.054854 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stStaticCall": 24%... 49%... 74%... 99%... 100% Tests finished: 493 stStaticCall time: 172.672937 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stReturnDataTest": 24%... 48%... 73%... 97%... 100% Tests finished: 45 stReturnDataTest time: 30.799485 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stZeroKnowledge": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 804 stZeroKnowledge time: 304.515248 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stZeroKnowledge2": 24%... 49%... 74%... 99%... 100% Tests finished: 519 stZeroKnowledge2 time: 181.118902 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCodeCopyTest": 50%... 100% Tests finished: 2 stCodeCopyTest time: 0.886104 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stBugs": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 8 stBugs time: 3.912396 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stShift": 24%... 48%... 73%... 97%... 100% Tests finished: 41 stShift time: 30.129399 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCreate2": 24%... 48%... 73%... 97%... 100% Tests finished: 123 stCreate2 time: 30.804341 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stExtCodeHash": 23%... 47%... 71%... 95%... 100% Tests finished: 46 stExtCodeHash time: 12.687473 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stSStoreTest": 24%... 49%... 74%... 99%... 100% Tests finished: 465 stSStoreTest time: 105.995148 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stAttackTest": 50%... 100% Tests finished: 2 stAttackTest time: 4.780586 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stMemoryStressTest": 24%... 48%... 73%... 97%... 100% Tests finished: 82 stMemoryStressTest time: 32.572538 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stQuadraticComplexityTest": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 32 stQuadraticComplexityTest time: 27.565202 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stBadOpcode": 24%... 49%... 74%... 99%... 100% Tests finished: 117 stBadOpcode time: 66.219266 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stArgsZeroOneBalance": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 96 stArgsZeroOneBalance time: 33.316333 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stTimeConsuming": 24%... 49%... 74%... 99%... 100% Tests finished: 5189 stTimeConsuming time: 1302.694595 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "bcBlockGasLimitTest": 20%... 40%... 60%... 80%... 100% Tests finished: 5 bcBlockGasLimitTest time: 3.974383 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "bcExploitTest": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 4 bcExploitTest time: 95.086578 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "bcForkStressTest": 50%... 100% Tests finished: 2 bcForkStressTest time: 99.170080 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "bcGasPricerTest": 33%... 66%... 100% Tests finished: 3 bcGasPricerTest time: 29.545359 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "bcMultiChainTest": 14%... 28%... 42%... 57%... 71%... 85%... 100% Tests finished: 7 bcMultiChainTest time: 19.094424 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "bcRandomBlockhashTest": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 96 bcRandomBlockhashTest time: 102.918769 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "bcStateTests": 23%... 47%... 71%... 95%... 100% Tests finished: 67 bcStateTests time: 89.776910 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "bcTotalDifficultyTest": 18%... 36%... 54%... 72%... 90%... 100% Tests finished: 11 bcTotalDifficultyTest time: 50.875447 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "bcUncleSpecialTests": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 8 bcUncleSpecialTests time: 4.389512 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "bcUncleTest": 20%... 40%... 60%... 80%... 100% Tests finished: 10 bcUncleTest time: 23.185167 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "bcValidBlockTest": 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 20 bcValidBlockTest time: 25.215984 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "bcWalletTest": 20%... 40%... 60%... 80%... 100% Tests finished: 5 bcWalletTest time: 99.359798 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "bcBlockGasLimitTest": 100% Tests finished: 1 bcBlockGasLimitTest time: 0.662452 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "bcForgedTest": 33%... 66%... 100% Tests finished: 3 bcForgedTest time: 9.578561 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "bcInvalidHeaderTest": 23%... 47%... 71%... 95%... 100% Tests finished: 21 bcInvalidHeaderTest time: 15.930487 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "bcMultiChainTest": 100% Tests finished: 1 bcMultiChainTest time: 2.389687 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "bcUncleHeaderValidity": 22%... 45%... 68%... 90%... 100% Tests finished: 22 bcUncleHeaderValidity time: 39.029209 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "bcUncleSpecialTests": 100% Tests finished: 1 bcUncleSpecialTests time: 0.821218 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "bcUncleTest": 21%... 42%... 64%... 85%... 100% Tests finished: 14 bcUncleTest time: 28.475310 *** No errors detected WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stArgsZeroOneBalance appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stAttackTest appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stBadOpcode appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stBugs appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stCallCodes appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stCallCreateCallCodeTest appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stCallDelegateCodesCallCodeHomestead appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stCallDelegateCodesHomestead appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stChainId appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stCodeCopyTest appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stCodeSizeLimit appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stCreate2 appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stCreateTest appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stDelegatecallTestHomestead appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stEIP150Specific appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stEIP150singleCodeGasPrices appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stEIP158Specific appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stEIP2930 appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stExample appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stExtCodeHash appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stHomesteadSpecific appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stInitCodeTest appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stLogTests appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stMemExpandingEIP150Calls appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stMemoryStressTest appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stMemoryTest appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stNonZeroCallsTest appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stPreCompiledContracts appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stPreCompiledContracts2 appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stQuadraticComplexityTest appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stRandom appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stRandom2 appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stRecursiveCreate appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stRefundTest appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stReturnDataTest appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stRevertTest appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stSLoadTest appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stSStoreTest appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stSelfBalance appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stShift appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stSolidityTest appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stSpecialTest appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stStackTests appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stStaticCall appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stStaticFlagEnabled appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stSubroutine appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stSystemOperationsTest appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stTimeConsuming appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stTransactionTest appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stTransitionTest appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stWalletTest appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stZeroCallsRevert appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stZeroCallsTest appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stZeroKnowledge appears to be unused! WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/stZeroKnowledge2 appears to be unused! *** Execution time stats Total Tests: : 35009 Total Time: : 6327.538935 stTimeConsuming time: 1302.694595 stTimeConsuming time: 541.976067 stZeroKnowledge time: 304.515248 stPreCompiledContracts time: 188.904837 stZeroKnowledge2 time: 181.118902 stStaticCall time: 172.672937 stZeroKnowledge time: 161.072775 stRandom time: 142.973482 stRandom time: 133.656443 stStaticCall time: 124.212830 stRevertTest time: 107.529270 stSStoreTest time: 105.995148 stRandom2 time: 105.429259 bcRandomBlockhashTest time: 102.918769 stTransactionTest time: 102.245425 stZeroKnowledge2 time: 100.056017 bcWalletTest time: 99.359798 bcForkStressTest time: 99.170080 bcExploitTest time: 95.086578 stRandom2 time: 91.798957 bcStateTests time: 89.776910 stPreCompiledContracts time: 85.252734 stPreCompiledContracts2 time: 70.686261 stStackTests time: 70.054854 stRevertTest time: 69.832815 stBadOpcode time: 66.219266 stPreCompiledContracts2 time: 57.010860 stTransactionTest time: 54.776762 bcTotalDifficultyTest time: 50.875447 stSystemOperationsTest time: 48.080837 stSStoreTest time: 47.544558 stMemoryTest time: 46.614094 stSystemOperationsTest time: 43.489538 bcUncleHeaderValidity time: 39.029209 stMemoryTest time: 38.491574 stArgsZeroOneBalance time: 33.316333 stCallCodes time: 32.696021 stMemoryStressTest time: 32.572538 stCreateTest time: 32.435605 stLogTests time: 31.772982 stCreate2 time: 30.804341 stReturnDataTest time: 30.799485 stShift time: 30.129399 stStackTests time: 30.113773 bcGasPricerTest time: 29.545359 bcUncleTest time: 28.475310 stQuadraticComplexityTest time: 27.565202 stCallCodes time: 27.241867 stCallDelegateCodesCallCodeHomestead time: 26.899489 stCallDelegateCodesHomestead time: 26.815720 stLogTests time: 26.316099 stShift time: 25.911016 stReturnDataTest time: 25.503553 bcValidBlockTest time: 25.215984 stCreateTest time: 24.908598 stCallDelegateCodesHomestead time: 23.748933 stQuadraticComplexityTest time: 23.372704 bcUncleTest time: 23.185167 stCallDelegateCodesCallCodeHomestead time: 23.118215 stBadOpcode time: 21.873791 stArgsZeroOneBalance time: 20.814615 stMemoryStressTest time: 20.218732 bcMultiChainTest time: 19.094424 stCreate2 time: 18.412444 stWalletTest time: 18.023375 stZeroCallsTest time: 17.541852 stChangedEIP150 time: 17.316065 stNonZeroCallsTest time: 17.116491 bcInvalidHeaderTest time: 15.930487 stEIP150singleCodeGasPrices time: 15.907006 stWalletTest time: 15.886046 stCallCreateCallCodeTest time: 15.676146 stNonZeroCallsTest time: 15.420039 stZeroCallsTest time: 15.013087 stChangedEIP150 time: 14.663752 stEIP150singleCodeGasPrices time: 14.260134 stRefundTest time: 13.996945 stRefundTest time: 13.854013 stCallCreateCallCodeTest time: 13.339387 stExtCodeHash time: 12.687473 stDelegatecallTestHomestead time: 12.636253 stInitCodeTest time: 12.560997 stDelegatecallTestHomestead time: 11.645512 stInitCodeTest time: 10.037407 bcForgedTest time: 9.578561 stExtCodeHash time: 9.321115 stSpecialTest time: 6.052775 stEIP150Specific time: 5.803048 stMemExpandingEIP150Calls time: 5.356697 stSpecialTest time: 5.293636 stEIP150Specific time: 5.004972 stZeroCallsRevert time: 4.844721 stAttackTest time: 4.780586 stMemExpandingEIP150Calls time: 4.630170 bcUncleSpecialTests time: 4.389512 stZeroCallsRevert time: 4.294242 stAttackTest time: 4.139361 stTransitionTest time: 3.989782 bcBlockGasLimitTest time: 3.974383 stSolidityTest time: 3.944033 stBugs time: 3.912396 stSolidityTest time: 3.567599 stTransitionTest time: 3.381812 stEIP158Specific time: 3.042683 stEIP158Specific time: 2.674029 bcMultiChainTest time: 2.389687 stBugs time: 2.288310 stHomesteadSpecific time: 2.026633 stCodeSizeLimit time: 1.933855 stHomesteadSpecific time: 1.734546 stCodeSizeLimit time: 1.490514 stRecursiveCreate time: 1.117311 stRecursiveCreate time: 0.998886 stCodeCopyTest time: 0.886104 bcUncleSpecialTests time: 0.821218 stCodeCopyTest time: 0.753731 bcBlockGasLimitTest time: 0.662452 stExample time: 0.515934 stExample time: 0.430339