Running 64 test cases... Running tests using path: /data/tests Active client configurations: 'default ' Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCallCodes": (1 of 64) 24%... 48%... 72%... 96%... 100% Tests finished: 79 stCallCodes time: 0.105610 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCallCreateCallCodeTest": (2 of 64) 23%... 46%... 69%... 93%... 100% Tests finished: 43 stCallCreateCallCodeTest time: 0.055557 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stExample": (3 of 64) 20%... 40%... 60%... 80%... 100% Tests finished: 10 stExample time: 0.019847 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stInitCodeTest": (4 of 64) 23%... 47%... 70%... 94%... 100% Tests finished: 17 stInitCodeTest time: 0.018108 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stLogTests": (5 of 64) 23%... 47%... 71%... 95%... 100% Tests finished: 46 stLogTests time: 0.047943 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stMemoryTest": (6 of 64) 23%... 47%... 71%... 95%... 100% Tests finished: 71 stMemoryTest time: 0.816620 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stPreCompiledContracts": (7 of 64) 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 8 stPreCompiledContracts time: 0.656387 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stPreCompiledContracts2": (8 of 64) 24%... 48%... 72%... 96%... 100% Tests finished: 99 stPreCompiledContracts2 time: 0.165410 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stRandom": (9 of 64) 24%... 49%... 74%... 99%... 100% Tests finished: 313 stRandom time: 0.249387 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stRandom2": (10 of 64) 24%... 49%... 74%... 99%... 100% Tests finished: 225 stRandom2 time: 0.181447 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stRecursiveCreate": (11 of 64) 50%... 100% Tests finished: 2 stRecursiveCreate time: 0.001693 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stRefundTest": (12 of 64) 22%... 45%... 68%... 90%... 100% Tests finished: 22 stRefundTest time: 0.019920 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stSolidityTest": (13 of 64) 22%... 44%... 66%... 88%... 100% Tests finished: 18 stSolidityTest time: 0.018415 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stSpecialTest": (14 of 64) 21%... 42%... 64%... 85%... 100% Tests finished: 14 stSpecialTest time: 0.018802 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stSystemOperationsTest": (15 of 64) 24%... 48%... 72%... 96%... 100% Tests finished: 66 stSystemOperationsTest time: 0.052466 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stTransactionTest": (16 of 64) 22%... 45%... 67%... 90%... 100% Tests finished: 31 stTransactionTest time: 0.133088 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stTransitionTest": (17 of 64) 16%... 33%... 50%... 66%... 83%... 100% Tests finished: 6 stTransitionTest time: 0.004718 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stWalletTest": (18 of 64) 23%... 47%... 71%... 95%... 100% Tests finished: 42 stWalletTest time: 0.049192 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCallDelegateCodesCallCodeHomestead": (19 of 64) 24%... 48%... 72%... 96%... 100% Tests finished: 58 stCallDelegateCodesCallCodeHomestead time: 0.052412 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCallDelegateCodesHomestead": (20 of 64) 24%... 48%... 72%... 96%... 100% Tests finished: 58 stCallDelegateCodesHomestead time: 0.052744 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stHomesteadSpecific": (21 of 64) 20%... 40%... 60%... 80%... 100% Tests finished: 5 stHomesteadSpecific time: 0.003862 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stDelegatecallTestHomestead": (22 of 64) 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 28 stDelegatecallTestHomestead time: 0.024905 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stEIP150singleCodeGasPrices": (23 of 64) 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 40 stEIP150singleCodeGasPrices time: 0.272372 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stMemExpandingEIP150Calls": (24 of 64) 22%... 44%... 66%... 88%... 100% Tests finished: 9 stMemExpandingEIP150Calls time: 0.009735 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stEIP150Specific": (25 of 64) 23%... 46%... 69%... 92%... 100% Tests finished: 13 stEIP150Specific time: 0.011120 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stEIP158Specific": (26 of 64) 14%... 28%... 42%... 57%... 71%... 85%... 100% Tests finished: 7 stEIP158Specific time: 0.005957 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stNonZeroCallsTest": (27 of 64) 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 24 stNonZeroCallsTest time: 0.018425 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stZeroCallsTest": (28 of 64) 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 24 stZeroCallsTest time: 0.018328 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stZeroCallsRevert": (29 of 64) 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 16 stZeroCallsRevert time: 0.012974 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCodeSizeLimit": (30 of 64) 33%... 66%... 100% Tests finished: 3 stCodeSizeLimit time: 0.007841 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCreateTest": (31 of 64) 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 36 stCreateTest time: 0.083393 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stRevertTest": (32 of 64) 23%... 47%... 71%... 95%... 100% Tests finished: 46 stRevertTest time: 0.331002 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stStackTests": (33 of 64) 20%... 40%... 60%... 80%... 100% Tests finished: 10 stStackTests time: 1.775268 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stStaticCall": (34 of 64) 24%... 49%... 74%... 99%... 100% Tests finished: 286 stStaticCall time: 0.473638 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stReturnDataTest": (35 of 64) 23%... 46%... 69%... 92%... 100% Tests finished: 39 stReturnDataTest time: 0.074002 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stZeroKnowledge": (36 of 64) 24%... 49%... 74%... 99%... 100% Tests finished: 133 stZeroKnowledge time: 0.982258 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stZeroKnowledge2": (37 of 64) 24%... 49%... 73%... 98%... 100% Tests finished: 130 stZeroKnowledge2 time: 0.782804 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCodeCopyTest": (38 of 64) 50%... 100% Tests finished: 2 stCodeCopyTest time: 0.001954 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stBugs": (39 of 64) 20%... 40%... 60%... 80%... 100% Tests finished: 5 stBugs time: 0.008605 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stShift": (40 of 64) 24%... 48%... 73%... 97%... 100% Tests finished: 41 stShift time: 0.099987 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stCreate2": (41 of 64) 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 48 stCreate2 time: 0.105760 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stExtCodeHash": (42 of 64) 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 32 stExtCodeHash time: 0.070481 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stSStoreTest": (43 of 64) 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 28 stSStoreTest time: 0.364117 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stAttackTest": (44 of 64) 50%... 100% Tests finished: 2 stAttackTest time: 0.001580 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stMemoryStressTest": (45 of 64) 23%... 47%... 71%... 94%... 100% Tests finished: 38 stMemoryStressTest time: 0.060247 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stQuadraticComplexityTest": (46 of 64) 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 16 stQuadraticComplexityTest time: 0.029772 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stBadOpcode": (47 of 64) 24%... 49%... 74%... 99%... 100% Tests finished: 121 stBadOpcode time: 2.283158 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stArgsZeroOneBalance": (48 of 64) 23%... 47%... 71%... 95%... 100% Tests finished: 46 stArgsZeroOneBalance time: 0.062864 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stChainId": (49 of 64) 50%... 100% Tests finished: 2 stChainId time: 0.001936 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stSLoadTest": (50 of 64) 100% Tests finished: 1 stSLoadTest time: 0.002068 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stSelfBalance": (51 of 64) 16%... 33%... 50%... 66%... 83%... 100% Tests finished: 6 stSelfBalance time: 0.025618 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stStaticFlagEnabled": (52 of 64) 23%... 46%... 69%... 92%... 100% Tests finished: 13 stStaticFlagEnabled time: 0.048246 WARNING: stSubroutine no tests detected in folder! Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Tests finished: 0 stSubroutine time: 0.000002 WARNING: stEIP2537 no tests detected in folder! Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Tests finished: 0 stEIP2537 time: 0.000001 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stEIP2930": (55 of 64) 14%... 28%... 42%... 57%... 71%... 85%... 100% Tests finished: 7 stEIP2930 time: 0.161421 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stEIP1559": (56 of 64) 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 12 stEIP1559 time: 0.574329 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stEIP3607": (57 of 64) 20%... 40%... 60%... 80%... 100% Tests finished: 5 stEIP3607 time: 0.014567 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "stTimeConsuming": (58 of 64) 21%... 42%... 64%... 85%... 100% Tests finished: 14 stTimeConsuming time: 8.070935 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "vmArithmeticTest": (59 of 64) 21%... 42%... 63%... 84%... 100% Tests finished: 19 vmArithmeticTest time: 0.301584 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "vmBitwiseLogicOperation": (60 of 64) 18%... 36%... 54%... 72%... 90%... 100% Tests finished: 11 vmBitwiseLogicOperation time: 0.070319 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "vmIOandFlowOperations": (61 of 64) 21%... 42%... 64%... 85%... 100% Tests finished: 14 vmIOandFlowOperations time: 0.175360 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "vmLogTest": (62 of 64) 20%... 40%... 60%... 80%... 100% Tests finished: 5 vmLogTest time: 0.071454 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "vmPerformance": (63 of 64) 33%... 66%... 100% Tests finished: 3 vmPerformance time: 0.017697 Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "vmTests": (64 of 64) 18%... 36%... 54%... 72%... 90%... 100% Tests finished: 11 vmTests time: 0.288217 *** No errors detected *** Execution time stats *** Total Tests Run: 0  Total Time: : 20.519929 stTimeConsuming time: 8.070935 stBadOpcode time: 2.283158 stStackTests time: 1.775268 stZeroKnowledge time: 0.982258 stMemoryTest time: 0.816620 stZeroKnowledge2 time: 0.782804 stPreCompiledContracts time: 0.656387 stEIP1559 time: 0.574329 stStaticCall time: 0.473638 stSStoreTest time: 0.364117 stRevertTest time: 0.331002 vmArithmeticTest time: 0.301584 vmTests time: 0.288217 stEIP150singleCodeGasPrices time: 0.272372 stRandom time: 0.249387 stRandom2 time: 0.181447 vmIOandFlowOperations time: 0.175360 stPreCompiledContracts2 time: 0.165410 stEIP2930 time: 0.161421 stTransactionTest time: 0.133088 stCreate2 time: 0.105760 stCallCodes time: 0.105610 stShift time: 0.099987 stCreateTest time: 0.083393 stReturnDataTest time: 0.074002 vmLogTest time: 0.071454 stExtCodeHash time: 0.070481 vmBitwiseLogicOperation time: 0.070319 stArgsZeroOneBalance time: 0.062864 stMemoryStressTest time: 0.060247 stCallCreateCallCodeTest time: 0.055557 stCallDelegateCodesHomestead time: 0.052744 stSystemOperationsTest time: 0.052466 stCallDelegateCodesCallCodeHomestead time: 0.052412 stWalletTest time: 0.049192 stStaticFlagEnabled time: 0.048246 stLogTests time: 0.047943 stQuadraticComplexityTest time: 0.029772 stSelfBalance time: 0.025618 stDelegatecallTestHomestead time: 0.024905 stRefundTest time: 0.019920 stExample time: 0.019847 stSpecialTest time: 0.018802 stNonZeroCallsTest time: 0.018425 stSolidityTest time: 0.018415 stZeroCallsTest time: 0.018328 stInitCodeTest time: 0.018108 vmPerformance time: 0.017697 stEIP3607 time: 0.014567 stZeroCallsRevert time: 0.012974 stEIP150Specific time: 0.011120 stMemExpandingEIP150Calls time: 0.009735 stBugs time: 0.008605 stCodeSizeLimit time: 0.007841 stEIP158Specific time: 0.005957 stTransitionTest time: 0.004718 stHomesteadSpecific time: 0.003862 stSLoadTest time: 0.002068 stCodeCopyTest time: 0.001954 stChainId time: 0.001936 stRecursiveCreate time: 0.001693 stAttackTest time: 0.001580 stSubroutine time: 0.000002 stEIP2537 time: 0.000001