Running 33 test cases... Running tests using path: /data/tests Retesteth config path: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth Active client configurations: 'besu ' Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcBlockGasLimitTest": (1 of 33) 20%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 40%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 60%... WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! 80%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 100% WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config Tests finished: 5 bcBlockGasLimitTest time: 32.266595 Error: Error on JSON-RPC call ( (bcBlockGasLimitTest/GasUsedHigherThanBlockGasLimitButNotWithRefundsSuicideFirst_London, fork: London, block: 0)): Request: '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_sendRawTransaction","params":["0xf861058203e882520894bbbf5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b0a801ba08b705377b151c13985aafeee2a67bc8aa840735b43ba6ac8388fc56b5e7b335da0582cd1afbb929740f91fd4a2cae6ecbcd3352bd9d2031309cb2970e80fbebd9a"],"id":209}' Result: 'Internal error'  (bcBlockGasLimitTest/GasUsedHigherThanBlockGasLimitButNotWithRefundsSuicideFirst_London, fork: London, block: 0) -------- TestOutputHelper detected 1 errors during test execution! /data/retesteth/retesteth/TestOutputHelper.cpp(222): error: in "BlockchainTests/ValidBlocks/bcBlockGasLimitTest":  Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcExploitTest": (2 of 33) 25%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 50%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 75%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 100% WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config Tests finished: 4 bcExploitTest time: 45.687603 Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcForkStressTest": (3 of 33) 50%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 100% Tests finished: 2 bcForkStressTest time: 14.595042 Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcGasPricerTest": (4 of 33) 33%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 66%... 100% WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config Tests finished: 3 bcGasPricerTest time: 3.401963 Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcMultiChainTest": (5 of 33) 14%... 28%... 42%... 57%... 71%... 85%... 100% Tests finished: 7 bcMultiChainTest time: 4.816226 Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcRandomBlockhashTest": (6 of 33) WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 25%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 50%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 75%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 100% WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config Tests finished: 96 bcRandomBlockhashTest time: 20.152062 Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcStateTests": (7 of 33) WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 24%... WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 48%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 73%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 97%... 100% Tests finished: 90 bcStateTests time: 50.305752 Error: Error on JSON-RPC call ( (bcStateTests/TransactionNonceCheck2_London, fork: London, block: 0)): Request: '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_sendRawTransaction","params":["0xf8610a8203e882f23094b94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b0a801ca015a4fc1186138ac941dca9033dc72ab2db494554e0118d4445e176e74383b6e9a072156d84b029dd3d97357517de801f62d8feafc3c39abf637e59b36e8b0dc1d6"],"id":10791}' Result: 'Internal error'  (bcStateTests/TransactionNonceCheck2_London, fork: London, block: 0) -------- TestOutputHelper detected 1 errors during test execution! /data/retesteth/retesteth/TestOutputHelper.cpp(222): error: in "BlockchainTests/ValidBlocks/bcStateTests":  Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcTotalDifficultyTest": (8 of 33) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) 18%... 36%... 54%... WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) 72%... WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) WARNING: Skipping invalid transaction exception check in reorg block! (calling rewind not good when running the test, use filltests instead) 90%... 100% Tests finished: 11 bcTotalDifficultyTest time: 4.328352 Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcUncleSpecialTests": (9 of 33) 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 8 bcUncleSpecialTests time: 1.478818 Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcUncleTest": (10 of 33) 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 8 bcUncleTest time: 1.725269 Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcValidBlockTest": (11 of 33) WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 22%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 44%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 66%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 88%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 100% WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config Tests finished: 18 bcValidBlockTest time: 2.952693 Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcWalletTest": (12 of 33) 20%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 40%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 60%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 80%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 100% WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config Tests finished: 5 bcWalletTest time: 48.402004 Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcExample": (13 of 33) 50%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 100% WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config Tests finished: 2 bcExample time: 0.194740 Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcEIP1559": (14 of 33) WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 23%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 47%... WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 70%... WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 94%... WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 100% Tests finished: 17 bcEIP1559 time: 9.964204 Error: Error on JSON-RPC call ( (bcEIP1559/feeCap_London, fork: London, block: 0)): Request: '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_sendRawTransaction","params":["0x02f86401060582037082c35094cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc8080c001a074c757a3306f12470e96f7d6b2222926dcc74215e01be8553b5146df3687f65aa01767b1ac3a552346525449f84e6df3cda088438f1641b1463a103c36fba890de"],"id":3076}' Result: 'Internal error'  (bcEIP1559/feeCap_London, fork: London, block: 0) -------- TestOutputHelper detected 1 errors during test execution! /data/retesteth/retesteth/TestOutputHelper.cpp(222): error: in "BlockchainTests/ValidBlocks/bcEIP1559":  Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcEIP3675": (15 of 33) 100% WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config Tests finished: 1 bcEIP3675 time: 0.000848 Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcBlockGasLimitTest": (16 of 33) 100% WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config Tests finished: 1 bcBlockGasLimitTest time: 0.152332 Skipping bcForgedTest because bigint exceptions run in progress! Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcInvalidHeaderTest": (18 of 33) WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 22%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 45%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 68%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 90%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 100% WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config Tests finished: 22 bcInvalidHeaderTest time: 2.228429 Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcMultiChainTest": (19 of 33) 100% WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config Tests finished: 1 bcMultiChainTest time: 0.696127 Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcUncleHeaderValidity": (20 of 33) WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 24%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 48%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 72%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 96%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 100% WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config Tests finished: 25 bcUncleHeaderValidity time: 8.315724 Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcUncleSpecialTests": (21 of 33) WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 22%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 44%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 66%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 88%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 100% WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config Tests finished: 9 bcUncleSpecialTests time: 0.346725 Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcUncleTest": (22 of 33) WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 21%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 43%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 65%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 86%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 100% WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config Tests finished: 23 bcUncleTest time: 4.538618 WARNING: /data/tests/src/BlockchainTestsFiller/InvalidBlocks/bcExample does not exist! WARNING: bcExample no tests detected in folder! Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Tests finished: 0 bcExample time: 0.000002 Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcEIP1559": (24 of 33) 25%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 50%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 75%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 100% WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config Tests finished: 4 bcEIP1559 time: 0.221617 Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcEIP3675": (25 of 33) 100% WARNING: Specified network not found: 'Merge', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config Tests finished: 1 bcEIP3675 time: 0.001253 Skipping bcExpectSection because --filltests option is not specified. Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcByzantiumToConstantinopleFix": (27 of 33) 100% Tests finished: 1 bcByzantiumToConstantinopleFix time: 0.384639 Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcEIP158ToByzantium": (28 of 33) 100% Tests finished: 1 bcEIP158ToByzantium time: 0.101595 Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcFrontierToHomestead": (29 of 33) 14%... 28%... WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! 42%... 57%... 71%... 85%... 100% Tests finished: 7 bcFrontierToHomestead time: 0.906192 Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcHomesteadToDao": (30 of 33) 25%... 50%... 75%... 100% Tests finished: 4 bcHomesteadToDao time: 0.843712 Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcHomesteadToEIP150": (31 of 33) 100% Tests finished: 1 bcHomesteadToEIP150 time: 1.822837 Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcBerlinToLondon": (32 of 33) 33%... WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! 66%... 100% WARNING: Looks like client does not support rejected transaction information! Tests finished: 3 bcBerlinToLondon time: 0.400965 Error: Error on JSON-RPC call ( (bcBerlinToLondon/initialVal_BerlinToLondonAt5, fork: BerlinToLondonAt5, block: 5)): Request: '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_sendRawTransaction","params":["0xf8870e84342770ec830f424094cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc80a4693c613900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000060501c9f95c63a151411dd8d8baa0abcbfe78ab1ed464e14b19bdf8a2f31438d68c16fa05e8c743d811e05f4fdd65e7cc9ae6a98cb7ba00081e05fcb30a9aa5475cf86cf"],"id":8484}' Result: 'Internal error'  (bcBerlinToLondon/initialVal_BerlinToLondonAt5, fork: BerlinToLondonAt5, block: 5) -------- TestOutputHelper detected 1 errors during test execution! /data/retesteth/retesteth/TestOutputHelper.cpp(222): error: in "BlockchainTests/TransitionTests/bcBerlinToLondon":  Running tests for config 'Hyperledger Besu on TCP' 2 Test Case "bcArrowGlacierToMerge": (33 of 33) 33%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'ArrowGlacierToMergeAtDiffC0000', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 66%... WARNING: Specified network not found: 'ArrowGlacierToMergeAtDiffC0000', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config 100% WARNING: Specified network not found: 'ArrowGlacierToMergeAtDiffC0000', skipping the test. Enable the fork network in config file: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/besu/config Tests finished: 3 bcArrowGlacierToMerge time: 0.004032 *** 4 failures are detected in the test module "EthereumTests" WARNING: Test folder /data/tests/src/BlockchainTestsFiller/InvalidBlocks/bcForgedTest appears to be unused! *** Execution time stats Total Tests: : 1742 Total Time: : 261.236970 bcStateTests time: 50.305752 bcWalletTest time: 48.402004 bcExploitTest time: 45.687603 bcBlockGasLimitTest time: 32.266595 bcRandomBlockhashTest time: 20.152062 bcForkStressTest time: 14.595042 bcEIP1559 time: 9.964204 bcUncleHeaderValidity time: 8.315724 bcMultiChainTest time: 4.816226 bcUncleTest time: 4.538618 bcTotalDifficultyTest time: 4.328352 bcGasPricerTest time: 3.401963 bcValidBlockTest time: 2.952693 bcInvalidHeaderTest time: 2.228429 bcHomesteadToEIP150 time: 1.822837 bcUncleTest time: 1.725269 bcUncleSpecialTests time: 1.478818 bcFrontierToHomestead time: 0.906192 bcHomesteadToDao time: 0.843712 bcMultiChainTest time: 0.696127 bcBerlinToLondon time: 0.400965 bcByzantiumToConstantinopleFix time: 0.384639 bcUncleSpecialTests time: 0.346725 bcEIP1559 time: 0.221617 bcExample time: 0.194740 bcBlockGasLimitTest time: 0.152332 bcEIP158ToByzantium time: 0.101595 bcArrowGlacierToMerge time: 0.004032 bcEIP3675 time: 0.001253 bcEIP3675 time: 0.000848 bcExample time: 0.000002 -------- *** TOTAL ERRORS DETECTED: 4 errors during all test execution! -------- info: (bcBlockGasLimitTest/GasUsedHigherThanBlockGasLimitButNotWithRefundsSuicideFirst_London, fork: London, block: 0) info: (bcStateTests/TransactionNonceCheck2_London, fork: London, block: 0) info: (bcEIP1559/feeCap_London, fork: London, block: 0) info: (bcBerlinToLondon/initialVal_BerlinToLondonAt5, fork: BerlinToLondonAt5, block: 5)