/data/retesteth/build/retesteth/retesteth -t DifficultyTests -- --all -j2 --nologcolor --exectimelog --clients t8ntool --testpath /data/tests Running tests using path: /data/tests Running 7 test cases... Retesteth config path: /home/ubuntu/.retesteth Active client configurations: 't8ntool ' WARNING: Test filled with older version of retesteth! (test: `30` vs retesteth: `32`) This might cause failures, please regenerate the test! /data/tests/DifficultyTests/dfArrowGlacier/difficultyArrowGlacierTimeDiff1.json WARNING: Test filled with older version of retesteth! (test: `30` vs retesteth: `32`) This might cause failures, please regenerate the test! /data/tests/DifficultyTests/dfArrowGlacier/difficultyArrowGlacierForkBlock.json WARNING: Test filled with older version of retesteth! (test: `30` vs retesteth: `32`) This might cause failures, please regenerate the test! /data/tests/DifficultyTests/dfArrowGlacier/difficultyArrowGlacierTimeDiff2.json WARNING: Test filled with older version of retesteth! (test: `30` vs retesteth: `32`) This might cause failures, please regenerate the test! /data/tests/DifficultyTests/dfArrowGlacier/difficultyArrowGlacierMinus1.json WARNING: Test filled with older version of retesteth! (test: `30` vs retesteth: `32`) This might cause failures, please regenerate the test! /data/tests/DifficultyTests/dfArrowGlacier/difficultyArrowGlacier.json Running tests for config 'Ethereum GO on StateTool' 2 Test Case "dfArrowGlacier": (1 of 7) 20%... 40%... Can't find geth's 'evm' executable alias in the system path! WARNING: Reading empty result for /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/t8ntool/start.sh -v Can't find geth's 'evm' executable alias in the system path! WARNING: Reading empty result for /home/ubuntu/.retesteth/t8ntool/start.sh -v 60%... Can't find geth's 'evm' executable alias in the system path! Finishing retesteth run *** Total Tests Run: 0 *** Execution time stats Total Time: : 0.00 : 0.00 (0%) : 0.00 (0%) Tests finished: 3 dfArrowGlacier time: 0.01, cputime: 0.01 (0%), t8ntime: 0.00 (0%) Error: The command '/home/ubuntu/.retesteth/t8ntool/start.sh -v' exited with 256 code. (DifficultyTests/dfArrowGlacier/, step: TestSuite::executeTest) Error: The command '/home/ubuntu/.retesteth/t8ntool/start.sh --state.fork ArrowGlacier --state.reward 0 --state.chainid 1 --input.alloc /dev/shm/68799f91-4671-4dc4-94dc-1c644da1fdd6/alloc.json --input.txs /dev/shm/68799f91-4671-4dc4-94dc-1c644da1fdd6/txs.rlp --input.env /dev/shm/68799f91-4671-4dc4-94dc-1c644da1fdd6/env.json --output.basedir /dev/shm/68799f91-4671-4dc4-94dc-1c644da1fdd6 --output.result out.json --output.alloc outAlloc.json --output.errorlog /dev/shm/68799f91-4671-4dc4-94dc-1c644da1fdd6/error.json' exited with 256 code. (DifficultyTests/dfArrowGlacier/difficultyArrowGlacierTimeDiff1, step: DifficultyTestFiller) Error: The command '/home/ubuntu/.retesteth/t8ntool/start.sh -v' exited with 256 code. (DifficultyTests/dfArrowGlacier/, step: TestSuite::executeTest) -------- TestOutputHelper detected 3 errors during test execution! /data/retesteth/retesteth/helpers/TestOutputHelper.cpp(240): error: in "DifficultyTests/dfArrowGlacier":  *** 1 failure is detected in the test module "EthereumTests"