/usr/bin/retesteth -t GeneralStateTests/stExample -- --clients pyt8n --singletest add11 -j1 --nologcolor --exectimelog --testpath /tests Running tests using path: /tests Running 1 test case... Options path `/root/.retesteth` doesn't exist, attempt to create a new directory Retesteth config path: /root/.retesteth Active client configurations: 'pyt8n ' Filter: 'add11' Running tests for config 'Python EVM StateTool' 2 Test Case "stExample": (1 of 1) 100% Instantiated: "ethereum-spec-evm 0.1.0 (Git commit: 44ceab258abd42fdebdee06996bf0700b205ef98)" INFO:T8N:Wrote alloc to /dev/shm/9eb81a9c-cf4a-48f2-9cde-1811e738330a/outAlloc.json INFO:T8N:Wrote result to /dev/shm/9eb81a9c-cf4a-48f2-9cde-1811e738330a/out.json Tests finished: 1 *** No errors detected stExample time: 8.30, cputime: 0.02 (0%), t8ntime: 5.00 (60%) *** Total Tests Run: 1 *** Execution time stats Total Time: : 8.30 : 0.02 (0%) : 5.00 (60%) stExample time: 8.30 cputime: 0.02 (0%) t8ntime: 5.00 (60%)